Some Like it Thought - Issue 2 - Corona Virus and You
Interesting Reads from this Week!
Evidently we needed another week to test our physical and mental resilience! Some small changes to topics - the product topic is now converted to a topic related to tech/startups/investing/product broadly (tech for short).
Geopolitics 📉-
Short and pertinent analysis of the geopolitical effects of COVID-19.
Tech 🔨- Interview with Jason Calacanis and Kendrick Nguyen
Kendrick Nguyen started a crowdfunding portal to enable fundraising for early stage companies. Jason Calacanis was an early investor in Uber. This episode consists of 3 business pitches, and I found the feedback from Jason and Kendrick are good reminders for how your own ideas and presentation of yourself can be perceived, and how to have a more powerful presentation of yourself.
Wildcard -
My current workout plan! Having to switch from a weight lifting regimen to a bodyweight routine made me wonder which workouts would retain muscle mass, and build muscle not just based off endurance, but power. This workout seems to do the trick.
Thanks for checking out the links, let me know how you liked it via email at Until next time, I hope everybody has a safe week!
I’m collecting workout recommendations for working from home. Let me know if you have any recommendations! Also, if you like the newsletter, please share. If you’re interested in a signed copy of my poetry collection Poemas, email me at
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