NFT Reviews #13
I wanted to be a cartoonist, but there was no cartoon academy. So I enrolled in the Royal Danish Art Academy School of Architecture. But then I really got smitten by architecture. Bjarke Ingels
Hi, and welcome to issue 13 of NFT Matrix, where I review NFT Artists’ work. There is no presumption or judgement here, only exposure. The artist I am reviewing is Alexis Olin from Kiev, Ukraine. Diverse and energetic is how I would characterize their work. I look at a couple of the artist’s pieces from their various platforms/social media and provide my review. Hope you enjoy, I’m always open to feedback.
Piece: “The Dream World of the Maya”
Link: KnownOrigin
This piece showcases Alexis’ cartoon origins. His characters are engaging, quirky, and funny. There is a high amount of detail and attention displayed in this piece. It reminds me a bit of a set piece from a Where’s Waldo book, just without the iconic protagonist. It’s a bit deceiving, as there does appear to be quite a few references to body parts and human sacrifice.
Piece: “Lights”
Link: Foundation
Another core skill Alexis’ brings to bear is photography. I like this piece because it is a bit muted at first, but appears to have a concert overlaid on the subject’s face. This hints at an energy which doesn’t appear at the surface of the subject. We all have energy and interests that others wouldn’t suspect upon first light.
Piece: “In Search of Time”
Link: Opensea
I love the colors and vibe of this piece. Casual but deep at the same time. The reference to Dali’s melted clock is also a nice treat. I like that it’s a meditation on time and death which isn’t fraught with angst.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this brief introduction to Alexis Olin! Find their links here.
See you next week!
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