Some Like it Thought - Issue 1
Important Reads from this Week!
It’s been a crazy week. I hope that everyone is staying safe and practicing social distancing. And also staying sane by working out and stuff. And have two weeks of food in the house lol.
Geopolitics 📉- This one has multiple links. It took me a while to try to think of something outside of COVID-19. Turns out that the China Tribunal, an independent tribunal looking into forced organ harvesting in China, released their final report. Additionally, I included a report released in January from the NIH about the credibility of China’s reform to their organ transplant system.
Product 🔨- Interview with Chamillionaire
Not a purely product management focused recommendation, but this interview hits on a lot of topics like being creative, the technology scene, taking risks, and life as well. Great nuggets of wisdom.
Wildcard - Science! 🧲Engineers crack 58-year-old puzzle on way to quantum breakthrough
Very technical, but basically we are on our way 👏to better understanding how to control individual atoms, which is key for quantum computers.
BONUS: The Internet Archive (Library of Alexandria for the digital age)
Great video which makes you think about how society will pass on knowledge to the next generation. If we don’t do it correctly, it may just disappear! 🤖
Thanks for checking out the links, let me know how you liked it via email at Until next time, I hope everybody has a safe week!
I’m collecting music recommendations for working from home. Let me know if you have any recommendations! Also, if you like the newsletter, please share. I am coming up with a rewards program and am also taking feedback for that as well.